Four Supplies That Every Rainbow Owner Must Have

If you have ever used a Rainbow vacuum, then you know how useful they are for cleaning carpets, but did you know that with the right products you can clean almost any mess on any type of surface?

With all of the options available, it might be tough to choose, but this guide will show you which five are considered a must have for anyone who is serious about keeping their home clean and getting the most out of their vacuum cleaner.

Fresh Air Is Just Minutes Away

Out of all of the Rainbow vacuum supplies that are available, the Fresh Air concentrate is considered to be an absolute must have for every home. This potent product neutralizes odors as you clean, removing the need for a separate air freshener.

RainMate ILJust a small amount of the product in the water basin is enough to completely neutralize odors in the air as well as in the carpet, making it an economical choice. It can even be used in the RainMate as a fragrance, making it a great option for those who love its clean aroma!

Because it is designed to be gentle, it can even be used while cleaning furniture or curtains with your Rainbow vacuum accessories. This means you can remove pet or cigarette odors from furniture and drapes without having to have them professionally cleaned!

This product is also a life saver when guests are due to arrive because it will quickly control any lingering odors, whether it’s from cooking or just stale air in the home. All you need to do is give the floors a quick once over with the Rainbow and you’re all set!

Keep Hard Floors Looking Like New

Clean Floor ConcentrateIf you have tile or hardwood floors in your home, then you know that they do require special care to keep them clean and new looking. With a little help from the RainJet and a bottle of Clean Floor Concentrate, it’s almost effortless!

Like all of the Rainbow vacuum supplies, you only need a little bit of product each time because it is long lasting and will clean any hard floor without leaving behind heavy residue or streaks, which is something not all products can offer.

Unlike some other brands, this product can be used daily if desired without the risk of damage to the floor. This is perfect for anyone who wants to keep their floors sparkling clean without all the back breaking work that normally goes into it.

Another advantage is that it can be used on all types of hard surfaces. This means you can go from the kitchen floor to the bathroom floor without having to change to a different cleaning product. Talk about a time saver!

Deep Clean Like Never Before!

No cleaning arsenal is complete unless it has something that can be used to deep clean carpets, rugs, and upholstery. The best option for Rainbow owners is the Rexafoamer because it can remove even the toughest build-up with ease.

RexafoamerWhat does this mean for your home? It means that greasy stain from when someone walked in with oil on their shoes or the dark spot from a wine spill doesn’t have to be a permanent fixture on the carpet!

The deep cleaning power of this product makes it easy to break up stains that are even several years old without having to go over the spot repeatedly with harsh chemicals. Just add the recommended amount to the vacuum, click on the right attachment, and give it a good deep cleaning.

A good deep cleaning product is a must have for anyone who has high foot traffic, pets, or children in their home because it will remove ground in dirt, debris, and stains with ease. It is also a great choice for anyone who has allergies because it helps ensure carpets are as clean as possible.

A Reliable Every Day Cleaner

Last, but not least, is the AquaMate shampoo. Typically used with a MiniJet or similar attachment to get deep into nooks and crannies, it can be used to give surfaces and floors a good cleaning whenever they need it.

AquaMate ShampooYou can use this one for a quick touch up on carpets to give them a burst of freshness, or to freshen up the sofa before guests come over. Another great place to use it is in the car as you vacuum up dirt and leftover food because it will help remove any funky or stale odors.

But there’s more to this product than meets the eye, it can also help recondition carpets and rugs as you use it, making it a powerful weapon against the wear and tear most floors experience over the years.

Just by using this product every time you clean you are giving your floors much needed care that will help them last longer and look newer for years to come. It’s also a good way to make even worn out area rugs or carpets look a little more new.

But How Often Should I Use Them?

The question of how often you should use them is something everyone will have to decide on their own – some homes need more cleaning than others due to factors like allergies, asthma, or the amount of foot traffic in their home.

While it’s easy to say you should use them as often as you want to, it’s always a good idea to have some type of cleaning schedule in mind. For example, you could make a plan to deep clean your carpets twice a year – once in spring, and once during winter to help reduce any stains or ground in dirt.

Some might prefer a more regular schedule, such as once a month if they have higher foot traffic, see a lot of stains, or experience frequent odor issues. Another option is to just do touch ups as needed using Rainbow vacuum supplies to keep each area looking and smelling clean!

Author: Steve MorgretMaster Technician for RainVac.