Top Allergy Vacuum Recommendations For Seasonal Sufferers

Anyone who has ever experienced a seasonal allergy often dreads the change of seasons because it often means watery eyes, sneezing, and itching. This prompts many to scramble for ways to help reduce their symptoms.

Reducing symptoms requires a solid plan, which often involves a thorough and regular cleaning schedule for the home, as well as any vehicles, to minimize any allergens that might be present in the air.

Start Dusting With A Vacuum

One very simple tip for reducing allergens in the home is to dust on a regular basis. Frequent dusting schedules will help to prevent build up that can aggravate symptoms like coughing and sneezing.

E2 Black Rainbow VacuumAs many may find, feather dusters are often ineffective as they can spread the dust around, making the problem even worse. To avoid this, many are starting to switch to vacuum cleaners to manage dust in the home.

One thing to keep in mind with this is that not all vacuums are capable of handling dust around the home. In fact, many of these appliances can kick up more dust, which can aggravate allergies.

When looking at the different models, try to choose one that is designed to trap dust instead of stirring it up. Lower end models often lack this feature, but many of the high end ones are capable of handling this.

Some of the high end models can even pick up allergens from surfaces such as curtains, pillows, or even bedding. These vacuums are considered to be the best at fighting symptoms such as sneezing or itching.

Choose A Model With A Good Filter

When it comes to choosing the right household cleaning tool, the most important thing to look for is a model that has a good filter. The better the filter, the cleaner the home will be!

HEPA FilterHEPA filters are often considered the gold standard when it comes to allergy vacuum recommendations because they catch more allergens than many leading filters. This often means less severe symptoms at home.

Another important consideration is whether the filter is replaceable or reusable. This will determine how often it is replaced, or how long it is meant to last.

Replaceable filters need to be changed every few months or years, depending on how heavily the vacuum has been used. Some may find that they need to change theirs more often, especially if their allergies are severe.

Reusable filters need only to be rinsed clean whenever they become dirty or clogged with debris. However, it is important to check them for signs of damage every time they are cleaned.

If there are signs of damage, or if the filter will not rinse completely clean, be sure to replace it as soon as possible. If it is not, then its ability to purify the air will be greatly reduced.

Portability And Ease Of Use Is Key

Anyone who has experienced severe seasonal allergies knows how hard symptoms are to manage. It often means cleaning more often than usual just to keep symptoms at bay.

For this reason, many opt for compact or easy to carry vacuums. Feather light models are also very popular for those who plan to vacuum several days a week during allergy season.

Compact canister styles are often best for this purpose, especially ones that have wheels or a rolling base because they do not require a lot of effort to move them while cleaning the floor.

These are some of the key factors to consider when looking for allergy vacuum recommendations because they will ultimately impact how easy it is to keep the home clean, as well as how well they reduce symptoms.

Author: Steve MorgretMaster Technician for RainVac.