Create An At Home Spa With A RainMate Air Freshener

A day at the spa is one of the best ways to relax, but as many know, this can quickly become expensive. The high cost prompts many women to attempt to recreate that experience at home.

There are a number of ways to create a spa at home, but most all of the different ideas include the basis of comfortable seating, soothing decorations, mood lighting, and good aromatherapy products.

Add Cushions And Comfortable Seating

Creating a spa at home often begins by choosing a place that can be dedicated to it, such as the corner of a bedroom, a spare room in the home, or even an enclosed patio. Once the area has been selected, the next step is to start planning the seating.

Comfortable seating is a must when creating a serene and relaxing environment. Large cushions on the floor are popular with those who want to sit and meditate or relax, while lounge chairs are popular with those who want to recline and read a book or listen to music.

Small tables are also essential because they will be used to hold things like a RainMate air freshener, candles, spa products, or even a tray of refreshments. The height of the tables should always be kept proportionate to the chairs to avoid having to stoop or stretch to reach things.

Choose Soothing Decorations And Lighting

Soothing decorations and ambient lighting are other very important aspects of any relaxation area. What type of decorations often depends on the person, but most opt for tranquil photographs and Asian inspired statues or decorations.

Candles are top choices for anyone who wants ambient lighting, but they may not always be a practical choice. Open flame candles need to be carefully monitored, especially if there are small children or pets in the home.

Rainbow Vacuum PurifierOne option for candles without the risk of fire is to look for flame-less candles. These are available almost everywhere, and come in a variety of fragrances. These often last far longer than wick based candles, making them a good investment as well.

Another important consideration for the relaxation area is what type of aromatherapy will be used. Lavender, citrus, and exotic florals are all very popular for those who want something subtle yet soothing.

Scented candles are a popular way to add these fragrances to the spa area, but many are looking for better alternatives. One of the more popular alternatives is the Rainbow air freshener, which can be set up on a small table.

One key benefit to using this type of freshener is that it is water based, so it cleans the area around it, leaving only fresh air behind. As an added benefit, fragrances can be added to the water, which will give the area a subtle and relaxing aroma.

Pick The Perfect Products For Spa Treatments

The last step to creating a spa at home is to pick out products for beauty and relaxation treatments. The most popular products include a rich and luxurious moisturizer, and a good face mask.

Foot treatments are also very popular, and include products for exfoliating rough callouses, soothing aching feet, and even plush socks for allowing moisturizers to soak in.

For a truly relaxing experience, many look for products that have a similar fragrance to match the fragrances they have added to their RainMate air freshener or to their candles. Matching the fragrances in this way creates a deep sense of harmony, perfect for an at home spa.

Author: Steve MorgretMaster Technician for RainVac.